Promation automation — for a safer and more efficient work environment
Don’t work like a robot — work with one, is Stijn Provoost’s catchphrase. Once known as Provoost Automation, the company has grown into an innovative centre for efficient automation. With robots, cobots, vision systems, and PLC control systems in their toolbox — all developed and programmed on-site — Promation offers a complete package for the individual customer. From the start of September 2023, you can find them at their new premises in Booischot Heist op den Berg.
Work more efficiently – Quick ROI
“We like to work together creatively with our customers in order to offer the best solution for their company,” says Stijn. “This results in staff working faster and more efficiently, without placing a greater burden on people. Because of this, more work can be done while saving money on the production process.” A higher efficiency particularly becomes noticeable while looking at the return on investment of a robot or cobot. This typically translates to an ROI of 1 to 2 years (5 months is the record).
Better work environment
An important point is that robots, smart cameras, and control cabinets are not being developed to replace people. “We see companies finding it increasingly difficult to find good staff. By automating several production processes within the company, you can get a larger amount of work done with the same number of people. This ensures a safer and more enjoyable working environment.”
Market leaders through proactive design
“Promation’s strength lies in the fact that we develop machines in a proactive manner. We find out where the market has an actual need, and develop a specific product to solve this problem,” says Stijn. A good example is the Wyzo — the world’s first collaborative delta robot. This cobot is more powerful and faster than conventional cobots without sacrificing the collaboration element. Their Cofeeder supply robot is also the only one of its kind and has even gained worldwide interest.
Smart cameras
The vision systems with their smart cameras are another profitable design for Promation. These cameras not only keep an eye on the production line but also give a signal if something goes wrong. In doing so, they can measure and check certain items in the production process, such as whether labels have been applied correctly, interpretation of barcodes, and so on. The total system is known as Machine Vision. The best-known applications of this system are locating, checking, and taking measurements, but it can do much more. With smartly designed control cabinets for both old and new machinery, a complete modernisation of a company is feasible regardless of budget.